Report a Mosquito Bite

In May, 2023, the State of Hawai’i and its multi-agency partnership Birds, Not Mosquitoes began releasing bacteria-infected mosquitoes in East Maui. In October, 2023, mosquito releases began on the island of Kaua’i. The agencies involved have disregarded serious risks to the health of the people, native birds, wildlife, and the ‘āina.

Since these lab-altered mosquito releases started, we’ve been receiving numerous reports from throughout the islands about unusual mosquito bite reactions. We’re now compiling these reports as part of our ongoing research and documentation. If you’ve been bitten by a mosquito and would like to report the incident, please complete our Mosquito Bite Incident Report:

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When were you bitten?
Where were you when you were bitten?
What did the mosquito look like, where were you bitten on your body, and what was your physical reaction to the bite?
Please let us know if you have any photos or videos that document this incident, including images of the mosquito and/or your reaction to the bite (swelling, rash, unusual welts, pain, itching, illness, etc.). We will contact you to follow up.

Honoring and protecting our sacred connection to the natural world