
Patriots With Grit: Playing God With Mosquitos & The Dangers of Genetically Modifying Them In Hawaii (3/8/25)

Tina Lia joins Daryn Ross and Randy Mansell and breaks down what’s actually going on with the intentional and uncontrolled tampering of nature by modifying mosquitos and the severity of this as it’s being ramped up across the world.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Dangerous Research and Lab-Altered Mosquito Experiments – with Nicolas Hulscher, MPH (2/1/25)

Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher, MPH, about advocating for policies that protect our communities from dangerous research and harmful products and technologies. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i; unintended consequences of changing the evolutionary path of species; Bill Gates and the funding of bioterrorist-like activities; high biosafety level labs working to make pathogens more transmissible and deadly; the recently published study of an experiment in the Netherlands using mosquitoes infected with live, genetically attenuated malaria parasites to deliver vaccines to people by biting them; the need for transparency and disclosure of funding sources of research; new products having the potential to cause heart damage; ethical concerns and informed consent; censorship; conflicts of interest; the alarming lack of study of the experimental mosquitoes being released on Maui; the potential for Wolbachia bacteria to cause increased disease spreading capability in mosquitoes; lack of documented biosecurity protocols and pathogen screenings for the lab-altered mosquitoes being imported into Hawai‘i; EPA guidelines allowing for the weekly release on Maui of over 3,000 female mosquitoes that can bite, breed, and spread disease; male mosquitoes transmitting pathogens to females; and the need for a moratorium on releasing experimental disease vectors.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Scientific Discourse and Conflicts of Fear – with Dr. Lorrin Pang (1/1/25)

Dr. Lorrin Pang returns to talk with Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia about his experience as a medical professional and as a private citizen advocating for the health of our communities. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i and Dr. Pang’s concerns about lack of study of the risks; horizontal transmission of Wolbachia bacteria; population replacement of wild mosquitoes with lab-strain-infected mosquitoes; potential for Wolbachia bacteria to cause increased disease transmitting capability in mosquitoes; the need for pathogen screenings of the bacteria-infected mosquitoes; lab-altered mosquitoes drifting on the wind to unintended areas; Dr. Pang’s advocacy work with the SHAKA Movement and the 2014 GMO moratorium ballot initiative in Maui County; concerns about wind drift of combined toxins from pesticides used on GMO crops; Dr. Pang’s presentation at the 2016 Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague, an international initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations and ecocide; speaking out about informed consent and early treatment for COVID-19 in 2021; attacks by elected officials and the media; accusations of medical “misinformation;” the RICO investigation that cleared Dr. Pang of any licensing law violation; conflicts of interest, conflicts of fear, and the dangerous path of censoring scientific discourse.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Hidden Research and Biological Warfare – with A.W. Finnegan (12/3/24)

Author A.W. Finnegan returns to talk with Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia about the history of biowarfare, focusing on biological weapons research hidden under the cloak of benign research. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i; Operation Paperclip; Nazi germ warfare scientist Erich Traub’s work at Insel Riems and Plum Island; Project Starbright and the Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program (POBSP); avian vector research and biowarfare operations; Wolbachia bacteria and mosquito technology risks; dual-use research that can be used for harmful purposes; and research labs in Hawai‘i, including the U.S. Department of Defense’s NAMRU-2 Naval Medical Research Unit that was relocated to Pearl Harbor in Hawai‘i from 2010-2013 after the Indonesian health minister, Dr. Siti Fadilah Supari, advocated for the closing of NAMRU-2 in Jakarta and raised concerns about virus samples collected by the WHO being developed into biological weapons in the U.S.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Weaponized Insects and Biological Warfare – with A.W. Finnegan (11/1/24)

Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with author A.W. Finnegan about the history of biowarfare and the use of insects as bioweapons. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i; Nazi germ warfare scientist and virologist Erich Traub; the science of immune tolerance; Operation Paperclip; Plum Island; biological weapons research hidden under the cloak of benign research; biosecurity concerns; spies and saboteurs in the science, medical, and academic fields; hidden channels for large-scale bioterrorism; Project Starbright and birds of the Hawaiian Islands used for bioweapons research; animals and insects used for disease enhancement through serial passaging; bacteria in biowarfare; special interests funding science; and data manipulation through fraudulent studies.

Outspoken with Dr. Naomi Wolf – Tina Lia: Maui is Biotech Lab (10/21/24)

Tina Lia, founder of, reveals chilling plans underway by a consortium of public and private interests, to inflict lab-altered mosquitoes on the Hawaiian population and ecosystem. What is the real agenda?

IPAK-EDU Director’s Science Webinar – Experimental Mosquito Releases on Maui : Overview and Risks (9/27/24)

Tina Lia and tropical disease expert Dr. Lorrin Pang give an overview of the Maui mosquito release experiment. The webinar includes slide show presentations, discussion of the science and the risks of the project, an informative introductory short film by host Don Najita, and a Q&A with attendees.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: BioTech Mosquito Experiments in Hawai‘i – with Dr. Lorrin Pang (9/7/24)

Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with tropical disease and vector expert Dr. Lorrin Pang about the release of experimental bacteria-infected mosquitoes on Maui. Slide show presentations give an overview of the Maui project and biotech industry experimentation in Hawai‘i, and Dr. Pang’s explanation of the science and his concerns about the lack of study of potential impacts. Discussion includes conflicts of interest and the millions of dollars driving the mosquito agenda, targeting of our fragile ecosystems and conservation area, deviations from the approved plan, potential data falsification, and serious risks to the health of the islands’ people, wildlife, and ‘āina.

Ohio Brett Show for God and Country in Sports! (8/5/24)
(interview starts at 5:58)

Ohio Brett, America’s Encouragement Coach welcomes All-Stars into the locker room to share uncensored truth. Ohio Brett and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia talk about the experimental mosquito releases in Hawaii and working together as a community to effect change.

Johnny Miro: Experimental Mosquitoes and Bacterial Larvicide on Maui and Kauai (8/4/24)

H Hawaii Media radio host Johnny Miro interviews Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawaii Unites, about the State of Hawaii’s release of bacteria-infected mosquitoes and aerial spraying of Bti bacterial larvicide on Maui and Kauai. Hawaii Unites has taken state agencies to court to stop the mosquito releases on Maui and set a precedent for all islands that can impact this agenda globally.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Censorship, Ethics, and Standing on Principle – with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty (8/1/24)

Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with Dr. Aaron Kheriaty about harmful government policies and the rise of the biomedical security state. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i, the militarization of public health, conflicts of interest and conflicts of fear, censorship and the illusion of consensus, suppression of dissident voices, character assassination and propaganda campaigns, ethics and transparency in science and medicine, and having the moral integrity and courage to stand on principle.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Dangerous Agendas and the Courage to Speak Truth – with Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet (7/13/24)

Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet about having faith over fear while facing the dangerous agendas we’re up against. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i, global goals for population control, decision-makers compromised by money and manipulation, the spiritual energy of the Hawaiian Islands, finding strength in numbers, encouraging whistleblowers to step forward, and our shared values of wanting freedom to decide the course of our lives.

Hawai’i Unites Podcast: Risks of Novel BioTech Interventions – with Roger Meacock MRCVS (6/29/24)

Hawai’i Unites founder Tina Lia talks with holistic veterinarian Roger Meacock MRCVS about the unintended consequences of novel biotech interventions. Discussion includes experimental lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawai’i, livestock injections and prion disease risks, technologies expanding at a pace that doesn’t allow for sufficient safety studies, governments and regulators in denial, conflicts of interest, and lack of trust in agenda-driven narratives.

The Unjected Show: Staying Unjected From Lab Grown Mosquitos (6/5/24)

Tina Lia talks with The Unjected Show’s Shelby Hosana and Scott Armstrong about the dangerous lab-altered mosquito agenda in Hawai’i

Hawai’i Unites v. BLNR/DLNR: Hearing to Stop Lab-Altered Mosquitoes on Maui 7/21/23 (2/26/24)

Hawai’i Unites and Tina Lia v. Board of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i, and Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawai’i: Day one of our hearing on Plaintiffs’ Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction to stop the release of millions of bacteria-infected mosquitoes on sacred lands of Maui, Hawai’i. Plaintiff Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawai’i Unites, testifies. Tropical disease and vector expert Dr. Lorrin Pang, expert witness for the Plaintiffs, also testifies on the potential significant impacts of this project and the lack of study of the risks to the health of the people, wildlife, and ‘āina.

Your tax-deductible donations help us continue challenging this dangerous mosquito experiment in court.

Global Freedom Alliance: Need to Know: Genetic Biological Warfare released on Nation of Hawaii (2/23/24)

Tina Lia talks with Global Freedom Alliance’s Robbin Hill about lab-altered mosquitoes, taking the state to court, and the dangerous implications of this biotech industry experiment on the Hawaiian Islands

Brush Junkie: Mosquitos injected with bacteria released on Maui (2/17/24)

An update on the experimental mosquito releases in Hawaii and Hawaii Unites’ goal to raise funds to file an appeal for our court case

Children’s Health Defense: ‘Ground Zero’ Lab-Altered Mosquito Release (2/14/24)

Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia talks with Michael Nevradakis, PhD on CHD’s The Defender In-Depth about the mosquito release experiment in Hawaii and our David and Goliath battle in court

Johnny Miro and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia on Maui Mosquito Case and Olowalu Toxic Dump (2/4/24)

H Hawai’i Media radio host Johnny Miro interviews Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawaii Unites, about the State of Hawaii’s release of bacteria-infected mosquitoes on Maui and her organization’s work to stop this in court. The toxic dump site on sacred land in Olowalu is also discussed.

Help protect the ‘āina by making a tax-deductible donation to Hawaii Unites.

Michelle Melendez: Judge Rules To END Case Against Injected Mosquitoes Release On Maui…NOW What? (2/2/24)

Court grants the State of Hawaii’s motion for summary judgment, stopping our case from going to trial as scheduled. We’re asking for support from the community to file an appeal.

Michelle Melendez: Maui Update: Toxic Waste Dump and Wolbachia Injected Mosquitoes + What WE Can Do! (1/7/24)

An update on the planned toxic waste dump site at Olowalu and new information about Hawaii Unites’ case in environmental court to stop mosquito releases on Maui.

Michelle Melendez: Update On Maui Wolbachia Bacteria Injected Mosquito Release! (12/9/23)

Michelle and Tina Lia talk about the state’s agenda. Who will take responsibility when something goes wrong with these mosquito experiments?

Michelle Melendez: Last Minute Court Case Filed In Kauai To STOP Wolbachia Injected Mosquitoes! (Happy Thanksgiving!) (11/23/23)

Our multi-island grassroots dream team takes action to file a case in environmental court challenging bacteria-infected mosquito releases on Kaua’i.

Golden Road Media: Hawaii and Lab Modified Mosquitos (10/18/23)

Hawaii Unites founder Tina Lia talks with Earthstock Enterprises’ Michael DiMartino about the risks of lab-altered mosquito releases in Hawaii.

Hawaii News Now: Mosquito Reduction Plan Moves Forward (10/16/23)

Mark Carpenter of Hawaii News Now talks with Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawaii Unites that is challenging the state’s bacteria-infected mosquito releases on Maui and Kauai. Lia says, “This could have a serious impact on the native birds that it’s intended to save, because if there’s a possibility that the mosquitoes could be more capable of transmitting the avian malaria, that could be devastating.”

Hawaii Unites is asking for support to protect the ‘āina. Please donate to help us move our Maui legal case forward so that we can set a precedent for all islands.

Tina Lia Testifies Against Wolbachia Mosquito Releases on Kauai 10/13/23

Hawaii Unites’ Founder Tina Lia testifies at the Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources meeting on 10/13/23. Despite serious information about the risks of the state’s plan to release millions of bacteria-infected mosquitoes on the islands, the BLNR continues to railroad this project through. All islands are being targeted by biotech industry experimentation. Government agencies are lying to the people while selling out the sacred lands of Hawaii to corporate interests.

Michelle Melendez: UPDATE: Wolbachia Injected Mosquitoes Being Released On Maui! (With NO EIS) (10/7/23)

Michelle talks with Tina Lia about Hawaii Unites’ court case against the state. The Hawaiian Islands are being targeted by big money interests and biotech industry experimentation.

Mountain Top Media: Special Report: Mosquitos and special guest Tina Lia of Hawaii Unites in Maui (8/9/23)

Katie and John talk with Tina about mosquitoes on Maui

Children’s Health Defense: ‘Dangerous Experiment’: Lab-infected Mosquito Release (7/28/23)
(interview starts at 16:16)

Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia and Children’s Health Defense Hawaii’s Gary Cordery talk with Aimee Villella McBride and Liz Mumper MD on Good Morning CHD’s Friday Roundtable about the mosquito release experiment in Hawaii

Hawaii News Now: Growing Opposition to Maui Mosquito Release Project (7/24/23)

Chelsea Davis of Hawaii News Now covers the community pushback against lab-infected mosquito releases on Maui and speaks with Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit that is challenging the project in court, Hawaii Unites.

Hawaii Unites is asking for support to protect the ‘āina and seek a ruling to require an Environmental Impact Statement for this project that may cause the extinction of endangered native birds and could affect public health.

Hawaii Free Speech News: Stop The Release of BioPesticide Mosquitoes in Hawaii! (7/17/23)

Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawaii Unites, speaks at the Children’s Health Defense event on Kaua’i on July 16, 2023. Tina gives an overview and update on the State of Hawai’i and its multi-agency partnership’s plan to release billions of lab-infected mosquitoes in Hawai’i. All islands are being targeted with this corporate experiment.

Johnny Miro and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia on Lab-Infected Mosquitoes in Hawai‘i (7/16/23)

H Hawai’i Media radio host Johnny Miro interviews Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawaii Unites, about the State of Hawaii’s plan to release billions of lab-infected mosquitoes in Hawai’i.

Help us protect the ‘āina and require an Environmental Impact Statement for this project that may cause the extinction of endangered native birds and could affect public health. Mosquitoes are already being released on Maui and are planned for release on Kaua’i next. All islands are being targeted. Hawaii Unites is challenging this in court. Please donate to our organization to support our efforts. We are a 501c3 nonprofit, and donations are tax-deductible.

Redtime Stories with Tamara McKay: GMO Mosquitos in Hawaii? Hear from, Tina Lia (7/13/23)

Tina gives an update on the lab-infected mosquito release project and the hidden agenda of the DLNR to mass produce mosquitoes in Hawaii. Genetically modified pgSIT CRISPR technology mosquitoes are planned for production and release in addition to 100,000 Wolbachia mosquitoes weekly. Tamara and Tina discuss details of the plan and the risks involved.

Hawaii News Now: Pushback Against Plan to Save Native Birds (7/12/23)

Hawaii News Now promotes the state’s dangerous plan to release billions of lab-infected mosquitoes on the islands. Hawaii Unites founder Tina Lia challenges the state’s lack of study of the risks and their failure to comply with the Hawaii Environmental Policy Act: “We would have had an Environmental Impact Statement by now, if they had any intention of doing this per HEPA the way that they should have done it – to honor the public process, to honor these islands, to honor the environment, and to honor the native birds.”

Hawaii Unites Founder Tina Lia Speaks at Iao Theater on Maui 7/11/23

Tina Lia, founder of the environmental nonprofit Hawaii Unites, gives an overview and update on the State of Hawaii and its multi-agency partnership’s release of billions of lab-infected mosquitoes. All islands are being targeted with this corporate experiment.

The State DLNR has been funded to build out the insectary in their Hawaii lab where they intend to mass produce Wolbachia-infected and genetically modified pgSIT CRISPR technology mosquitoes for release on the islands. Plans are to continue the mosquito production and release project in “perpetuity” (forever).

Help us protect the ‘āina and stop this project that may cause the extinction of endangered native birds and could affect public health. Mosquitoes are already being released on Maui. We’re challenging this in court. Please donate to our organization to support our efforts. We are a 501c3 nonprofit, and donations are tax-deductible.

SGT Report: BILL GATES AND THE EVIL NEVER STOPS — Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet (7/4/23)
(Mosquitoes at 34:17, Hawaii Unites statement read by Dr. Lee Vliet)

“Bill Gates and the evil never stops, it just keeps coming until WE STOP IT. Attorney Todd Callender and Dr Lee Vliet return to talk about GMO mosquitoes, Malaria and the unrelenting globalist depopulation plan.”

Hidden Agenda: Hawai‘i’s Secret Mosquito Lab (7/2/23)

Hawaii Unites uncovers documents revealing the DLNR’s secret mosquito lab on the islands. The Department of Land and Natural Resources has been funded by unknown sources to build out the insectary where they intend to mass produce 400,000 lab-infected mosquitoes every month for release throughout Hawai‘i. The DLNR will also be producing GMO mosquitoes in their Hawai‘i lab using pgSIT (precision guided sterile insect technique) CRISPR technology. This plan is intended to continue “in perpetuity” (forever).

KITV4 News: Hawaii Unites Files TRO, Injunction Against State (6/24/23)

KITV4 News coverage of Hawaii Unites’ Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary Injunction filed against the State of Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources and Department of Land and Natural Resources to stop the release of biopesticide mosquitoes in East Maui

The Ohio Brett Show: Ohio Brett ft. Melanie Roberts, Glenn Baker, Ron Symon & Tina Lia (5/17/23)
(interview starts at 39:14)

Ohio Brett and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia raise awareness about the Maui biopesticide mosquito experiment. Brett and Tina talk about taking action at the local level and bringing the community together as a team.

The Tenpenny Files, On Your Health: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny ft. Tina Lia & Lorrin Pang (5/15/23)

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny talks with Dr. Lorrin Pang and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia about biopesticide mosquitoes planned for release on Maui

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: Maui Mosquito Agenda Continues with Dr. Lorrin Pang, Tina Lia, Barry O’Keefe (5/12/23)

Scott talks with tropical disease expert Dr. Lorrin Pang, retired scientist from the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs Barry O’Keefe, and Hawaii Unites’ Tina Lia about the planned biopesticide mosquito experiment on Maui

The Healthy American Peggy Hall: MILLIONS of INJECTED MOSQUITOS to be released in HAWAII (5/2/23)

Peggy Hall covers the Maui BioPesticide Mosquito Experiment

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: Maui Mosquito Agenda Buzz w/ Tina Lia (4/21/23)
(interview starts at 18:32)

Tina Lia gives an update on the planned BioPesticide Mosquito Experiment. Tina and Scott talk about the BLNR’s vote to approve the Final Environmental Assessment and issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the project. Hawaii Unites will challenge the FONSI in Environmental Court and seek a ruling to require an Environmental Impact Statement.

Michelle Melendez: Hawaii BLNR Doesn’t Follow Protocol of Contested Case Against Wolbachia Injected Mosquitoes! (3/29/23)

Michelle Melendez and Tina Lia discuss the Board of Land and Natural Resources’ decision to approve the Final Environmental Assessment for the BioPesticide Mosquitoes. The BLNR has continued to ignore serious concerns raised in testimony, while attempting to silence the public’s voices. Hawaii Unites has requested an investigation into the board’s violation of the Sunshine Law. Michelle and Tina talk about accountability and what we can do from here.

Michelle Melendez: Hawaii Approves 40+Billion Injected Mosquitoes W/NO EIS! National News Request (3/29/23)

Michelle Melendez and Tina Lia send out a call for national news outlets and social media influencers to cover the Maui biopesticide mosquito story

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: Evil is Strong GOD is STRONGER (2/20/23)
(interview starts at 47:35)

Tina Lia shares documentation of the planned biopesticide mosquito experiment and clears up misinformation presented by proponents of the project

Tina Lia: Hawaii Unites Rally (Biopesticide Mosquitoes) 1/14/23

Hawaii Unites founder Tina Lia speaks at the Rally to Protect the ‘Āina from Biopesticide Mosquito Experiments (Maui, January 14, 2023)

KITV4 News: Hawaii Unites Rally (Biopesticide Mosquitoes) (1/14/23)

KITV4 News coverage of the January 14, 2023 Hawaii Unites Rally to Protect the ‘Āina from Biopesticide Mosquito Experiments (Maui)

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: Dr. Lorrin Pang and Tina Lia – Experimental Mosquito Release on Maui (1/13/23)

Tropical disease and vector expert Dr. Lorrin Pang talks with Scott Adam and Tina Lia about risks of the state’s planned biopesticide mosquito release experiment. Pang explains more about Wolbachia, horizontal transmission, and the math model, and he presents an alternative approach to avian malaria. He also discusses censorship and conflicts of interest.

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: The Experimental Bio Mosquitoes (1/4/23)
(interview starts at 22:05)

Scott and Tina cover the State of Hawaii and EPA estimates of one accidental lab-bred female released for every 250,000 males. Depending on the number of males released per week (between 50 – 6,000; up to twice a week), between 12 – 3,104 biopesticide females could be accidentally released per week on Maui. Each female can produce 160,000 females in her eight-week lifespan.

Drone risks and disturbances are also discussed, along with the biotechnology agenda.

Michelle Melendez: Billions of Injected Mosquitoes & Possible Plan to Modify Hawaii Birds! (Public Comments Needed!) (1/2/23)

Michelle and Tina talk about environmental impacts of the project and specific noise effects noted in the Environmental Assessment, as well as the mosquito packaging that will litter the forest until it biodegrades. They also look at some of the goals at the federal level, including genetic modification of birds; and the recent White House “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy,” which states, “We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers…”

Michelle Melendez: 40 Billion+ Injected Mosquitoes Set to Release In Hawaii!!!!! OMG!!! (12/24/22)

A thoughtful discussion with the Big Island’s Michelle Melendez, who first alerted the public to the state’s planned mosquito release. Michelle and Tina talk about risks of the project, Native Hawaiian concerns, and dangerous long-term goals of the state to establish lab research here in Hawaii for gene drives, synthetic biology, and CRISPR technology using birds and mosquitoes. Michelle leads us in prayer towards a better future for the islands and the native birds who connect us to the spirit of these lands.

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: Experimental Mosquitoes on Maui (12/21/22)
(interview starts at 28:24)

Tina Lia talks with Scott about mosquito release locations, risks of the experiment, Native Hawaiian concerns, and long-term plans for this project. They take a look at the “U.S. Department of the Interior Strategy for Preventing the Extinction of Hawaiian Forest Birds,” which includes plans for lab research and development in Hawaii, gene drives, next generation tools, synthetic biology control tools, novel technology deployment, and precision-guided Sterile Insect Technique (pgSIT) (CRISPR technology). Genetic Modification of Forest Birds using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing is also discussed in the Maui Environmental Assessment. One of the labs that the state plans to import the biopesticide mosquitoes from, Verily Life Sciences, is a subsidiary of Google.

Scott Adam’s Liberty Arise!: Experimental Mosquitoes/For Our Rights (12/14/22)
(interview starts at 1:18:52)

Liberty Arise! is giving a voice to the people of these islands. Tina Lia recently had the opportunity to talk with Scott about the mosquitoes. They covered a lot of important information, with an overview of the state’s plan and a first look at the Maui Environmental Assessment.

Honoring and protecting our sacred connection to the natural world